Monday, April 29, 2013

Where once was one, Now there are two

                No matter what your stance may be concerning the new regulations concerning women in combat, there is now one undeniable fact, there will be more children who will be combining their observance of Mother’s Day and Memorial Day when they remember their Mother.

                Women have died in all wars serving this country, but not usually on the front lines. They have served bravely and have been caught up in combat, but not sent intentionally. It just seems wrong to me, personally, to send the vessel God created to give life, out to have a greater risk of having that life taken. Am I being a male chauvinist? No, I just have a God given concern about protecting my sister and mother.

                But what about sending our sons into war? Yes I also hate the idea, but I can also relate more to the protection and sacrifice aspect of the male mentality than I can the opposite. May I dare say that the greater honor is not the fight, but the caring and serving the ones sent to battle? Sometimes, plainly speaking, the warrior is just a tool in the eyes of a government, but the ones behind the scenes giving the warriors their needed weapons and supplies are who they admire and respect. Until recent years, women were mostly in those roles. Now I fear it is no longer the case.

                In the future, many children will be visiting a mother’s grave twice in May, once on Mother’s Day, and again to place a flag on Memorial Day. Where once there was one holiday for mother, now there will be two.

                I continue to be conflicted about the issue, but I will pray for them all, for I am reminded the bible says in Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


Let’s not forget, not all mothers are at home on Mother’s day. Pray for those who give life, and may give their life. As the lines blur, may our God remind us why we need to remain true to His Word, and battle with prayer. ~ editor


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