Friday, October 9, 2015

The Meaning of Life

     There have been many times when I have been reading my bible, meditating on His Word, and suddenly God gives an answer to a question. It may seem as an epiphany at the moment, but careful reflection may remind you of a prayer for an answer to something puzzling. When answers come at a later time,  when you have forgotten asking, I call those my God winks.
     Studying the bible not long ago, I came across a verse in Micah that answered a question most of us have in our pre-Christian life, and that is “What is the meaning of life?” I see it more and more on TV and hear it on radio. I see and hear despair in some voices searching for something only to stay unfulfilled. They don’t know it, but they are searching in the wrong places.
     God has given me, and each of us, answers. He will answer you also if you just give your life over to Him and study His word. Jesus came to give life, to save the sinner and to give peace to a searching heart.
     So yes, I do know the meaning of life. I am not the smartest man in the world; I am not a scientist, nor a philosopher, nor a degreed intellectual. I am simply a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and study God thorough the Bible.
     So what is the meaning of life? What does God want out of us? The prophet Micah says in 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

     What more can we ask? Accept Jesus, open you bible, pray for the scriptures to come alive in your heart, and God will reveal Himself to you. It is beyond mere mortal understanding, it is a Spiritual Awakening! Now, open yours and see what God reveals!

My Time Away

Hello dear friends and followers. It has been a while since I last posted and I apologize. I've had two extensive abdominal surgeries in the last two months as I have been very ill with a hole in my stomach causing a sever internal infection, then a very large incision hernia developed, so I needed that repaired. I am on the mend now with God's touch and thankfully only missed three total services at the church I pastor. God's family truly come through when a brother is down.

However, between surgeries, I completed my four year studies and was fully ordained with the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) in September. Maybe that's why the devil has fought so much. But for those who knew about my health issue and prayed for me, God Bless you and my wife and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I will restart my blog postings and trust God to lead those by these pages as He wills, for His purpose. I don't argue or brow beat, I just present the Gospel as I feel God has led me. It is up to the Holy Spirit after that.

May God Bless you and Keep you.

Bro. Terry