Monday, December 28, 2009

Here is a post from the January 2010 Newsletter from Brother Beauregard

1 Kings 19:10-12 11And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 12And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, how many times have we seen God’s voice portrayed to us as a loud booming noise, or a shaking of the earth. While at times we do see in the bible the Israelites hearing a sound of thunder on Mt Sinai, we see where God says He speaks to us individually through a “still small voice.”

But how, may you ask, can I hear Him speaking to me through the noise and attention grabbing activities of the day? That, my friend is the point; you must find a place where you can give the utmost attention to hearing God’s voice. He does not, nor will not compete with outside influences. He is the Creator, and deserves your utmost attention to hearing Him. I hear so many people say God doesn’t speak to them. Have you settled down to quietly read His Word and listen for Him?

God does speak to His sheep today. He is the same today as He was yesterday. He spoke to those who loved Him then, and He speaks to them today. He came to earth and walked and talked to Adam and Eve. He came to earth as Jesus Christ and walked and talked with us. He has left His holy word in the form of the bible to speak to us, and He promised and provided the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and speak and guide us. That is why we are to find us a “prayer closet” to be alone with Him. Why wouldn’t you want to be alone with the one who loves you? Today is the day God will speak to you. Go and see what God has to say!

Now go and be a good witness for Christ, Bro. Jonas Beauregard

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do You Hear What I Hear?

These are the words in a famous Christmas carol, but have you ever really thought about the question itself? You can just imagine a shepherd turning to another asking, “ Do you hear what I hear?”

What he heard was the messenger angel of God, proclaiming the good news that was born that night. The good news of a child, born in an impossibly human way, laying in a lowly cattle feeder, in what was a common Bethlehem barn, that would change the story of mankind forever.

A child, not born of an earthly king, but would rise to be King of all Kings.

A child, now so dependant on his earthly mother for care, who would, in a few short years, care enough for us to suffer horribly for payment of our sins.

A child, who the prophets foretold, who held the future in his hands?

A child whose birth has been misunderstood, claimed to be fiction, said to have been nothing special in the annuals of history, or at most, just a “good person”.

The question still rings out loud today. “Do you hear what I hear?” It goes on to answer, “a child, a child sleeping in the night, he will bring us goodness and light.”

This Christmas, with the assault on our faith ever-present, with wars and natural disasters and false religions forcing themselves on others, listen closely to the voice of God.

Do you hear what I hear?

Do you hear the sounds of the return of that child, now grown and ageless, triumphantly claiming his saints and his kingdom? What do you hear?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

An Angel Appeared

The angel appeared to Mary proclaiming good tidings of great joy. He told her that God was giving her a son, even though she was a virgin. She was to have the Savior of the world.

Who is your angel? Is there someone who is special to you? Someone who checks on you when you’re sick or hurt? Does someone mow your grass, or help clean your house? Is there someone who does nothing but bring you joy and peace when they are near?

God has angels who walk the earth. We are told in the bible that we do not know when we entertain one. Weather your angel is a supernatural being, a neighbor or family member, be assured they are God sent. Pray for them, they are year round Christmas presents.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Star Shinning In The Night

It seems God, in His infinite wisdom, often gives man a sign that a wonderful blessing is about to be given. The pillar of fire leading the Israelites from Egypt, a burning bush, the appearance of an angel and a star over a small village called Bethlehem are signs that prophesy is being fulfilled and a blessing is coming.
It was a star that shined over a sleeping village, not knowing the miracle that had occurred in their midst. Missing the prophetic sign, only a few shepherds and three wise men from the orient knew what was happening. Will we be sleeping when the next signs occur of his returning? Are we watching this Christmas season? Will we be able to recognize a biblical sign, or do we sleep away, content there will be another day. How could the world not know the baby Christ was here on earth?
Today, make a point to look for Christ, learn the signs, don’t be caught asleep, as Bethlehem was during their greatest moment in history!

Friday, December 4, 2009

My old pal Simeon

Some of you have heard my sermon at this time of year about Simeon of Luke Chapter 2. He spent all his life serving God, praying for Israel and being at the Tabernacle. Why? Because God made a promise to him that he would not see death until he saw the Christ. (v.26)

Every devout Israelite awaited the Messiah, but this man had found favor with God. As Simeon prayed day in and day out, performing God’s will in his life, he grew older. But we never see where his faith wavered.

Then one day, a day that seemed like any other day, Simeon was setting outside the temple. Suddenly the Holy Spirit told him to get up and enter. How his heart must have quickened! Something was up, but what?

There before him was a young woman and her husband with their child to be circumcised. The Spirit showed him his long ago promise from God had been fulfilled, right before his eyes.

The bible tells us in verse 28 the he “Took him (Jesus) up in his arms and blessed God”. After all these years his prayers were answered. His prayers for a Messiah and the salvation of the Israel and the world were answered! God answers prayer in His time, not ours!

But God rewarded his faithfulness beyond what was promised. Notice God allowed Simeon to HOLD Jesus. Do you realize what that means? The Creator, who came to earth and became flesh, allowed His faithful servant to cradle Him in his arms. Simeon was allowed to intimately hold God Himself and look into his face. (v.28). What a blessing for a lifetime of faithfulness! Then to Mary and Joseph’s astonishment, Simeon began to prophesy about what Christ was to do in this world. (v.34,35) Why were they astonished? Because they were travelling in secret. Remember Herod wanted to kill Jesus.

Please read the story, and the following about Anna. See God’s Christmas gift to both of them.

But I want to make a point about God’s faithfulness to his children. If you have accepted Christ as your Savior and Lord of your life, then God the Father promises you also may see Him in Heaven! He sent His Son not as just a stirring story, but as a sacrifice for your sins. His sacrifice was Jesus. His Christmas gift to Simeon and Anna can also be yours. Won’t you join the chorus and sing praises to the King? Won’t you accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation? Merry Christmas!

Message from Bro. Beauregard December '09 Newsletter

Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, at this time of the year, I begin to feel like John the Baptist must have felt. I see people running to and fro, searching for a gift to top last year’s gift; trying to capture the joy that the Christmas Season promises, but never filling the emptiness. Then fatigue and disappointment sets in and a wish for it all to be over creeps in. Welcome to the devil’s world, attempting to squash what we believers know to be truth. Christmas isn’t about spending, and it isn’t all about giving.

You have heard it said, “It is better to give than to receive.” I say it is better to receive God’s free gift, the salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, first, so you can give a real present, the Gospel to another!

That morning, when Jesus was born, was the time John was referring to. The gift is Jesus, whose grace and mercy of the forgiveness of our sins promises a life eternal with our God. The joy is Christ living in us and a love for our fellow man and God’s creatures great and small.

You can’t work enough to find joy. Rich men die miserably every day. People have worked themselves to death thinking money will buy happiness, never seeing the dysfunctional relatives left behind fighting over the pickings.

That is why the Bible teaches works without faith is dead, but faith brings about good works. Grace and Salvation is free. Jesus paid the price. Won’t you accept Jesus today, and finally find the true Joy and Happiness the season promises?

Now go and be a good witness for Christ, Bro. Jonas Beauregard