Friday, December 20, 2013

The Gift

I haven't posted since October since I've been busy with church, family and friends, but I couldn't let the season go by without an update.

We know there IS a war on Christmas, because the bible tells us Satan is out to seek and destroy anything that points to Christ, or leads to recognition that He is the Savior. So don't be surprised, but be the Salt and the Light we are called to be. We shouldn't expect those that either don't know Christ, or those that refuse Him, to act contrary than they do. Our job is to continue to love them, be kind towards them and continue to follow OUR faith in Jesus. Just plant the seed and let God do the rest. Remember, some sow, some pour rain on it, but God reaps the harvest.

The gift this season is Jesus, not material things. If you carry Jesus in your heart, then you are already rich beyond all measure, for you are in the Kingdom of God!

I pray for those that come across this blog that the Salvation offered by Christ Jesus is seriously considered and accepted, for All Christians want to meet each other in heaven.

I will try to post once a week beginning in January.

God Bless all of you!

Brother Terry Ames, Minister
Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reading the Highlights

                I picked up my Bible this morning to do a little studying, but just couldn’t seem to concentrate on any particular book or chapter. I was attributing it to waking up with a small sinus headache, but I soon found out I was wrong.

                With my wife at work, my dog asleep at my feet, soft rain falling on the roof and quiet in the house, I believe God took the opportunity to speak to me in a way He hasn’t for a while.

                How many of you have studied your bibles throughout the years and have highlighted, underlined and wrote notes in the columns? I have also written things on the blank pages in the front and back of mine; reminding me of important passages or points I’ve learned. If you have been a faithful seeker of God’s word, I’m sure your Bible is marked to some extent.

                But today I ended up in Proverbs, and my eyes kept going only to the highlighted or underlined verses. I thought, “Well, I’ll start at the beginning and read all the way through on the highlighted verses then.”

                By the time I was through, God had given me a lesson I will not forget. It’s amazing how He can speak to my heart, and how He comes to me when I least expect it.

                See, most of the highlights in Proverbs came when I was a new Christian, with a new big bible to study, and spent hours at the kitchen table reading, marking and writing notes on what I thought God meant. Besides the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs were my first studied books back then.

                As I read, I began to see a pattern in those highlights, scribbles and lines. I saw an understanding of faults and sins I knew needed correcting or forgiveness. I saw my concern in trying to please God, and the seeking of answers to questions on what it means to be His. I saw myself several years ago and at the same time saw myself today. It was like looking back in time, a glimpse through spiritual eyes I cannot explain.

                As I read, I saw areas where I have grown in understanding and have shed many of the things that are not pleasing to God. I saw how God has worked in the past and continues to work today, sifting me and forging with fire and love. But I also saw areas where there has not been as much improvement as there should be. Have I been lax and is my Lord telling me a new phase is starting and these need to be prayed and fasted over? Either way, I believe they must be addressed.

                My point is, God is never done working on you and with you. He will use ways to speak to you that may be totally different than someone else. Today, He used the highlights. He used the underlined sentences. He used me to reflect on my progress with Him. Introspection is tough love!

                Why don’t you try it for yourself, maybe you’ll find a new way to get closer to Him. In the mean time, you know what I’m going to do? Tomorrow I’m going to begin reading all my highlights, starting with Genesis! God Bless!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Gather My Sheep

                Several years ago, when the Lord began calling me to His service and I was still ignorant about much of the things of God, I was constantly having the phrase “It’s Time to Gather my Sheep” going through my head. I was sure it was from the Lord, but I also knew I had to check if it was truly from God. The bible warns us to be careful and check the spirit of the message. If it was truly the Holy Spirit speaking to me, it would be affirmed by the words in the Bible.

                Soon after, as I was reading the bible, I came across this verse in Luke 15:4 “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?”  Other verses referred to the sheep knowing the Shepherd’s voice, the Shepherd watching over the flock, etc. I began to feel an earnest push to speak to those who proclaimed to be Christian, but may be back sliding or straying, to return to the flock, as time was running short.

                This also brought up the question, ‘Why was time running short?” Was Jesus returning very soon? Was the end of the world upon us? There was so much I did not know, or misunderstood, about Eschatology and was caught up in the “left behind” craze because I was hungry for the truth. But the truth is not found in “fantasy” books or many TV preachers. The truth is found only in study of the bible, and rejecting any writings that contradict the bible. So what is the meaning of “Gather my Sheep, Time is Short?”

                Due to the study of my bible and competent writers over the ages, I believe that we have been in the last days since Jesus returned to Heaven. Remember God does not count time as we do. Jesus established His Kingdom in each of us and reigns as our Lord and King until he calls the believer home. The bible does give us a few hints as to the closeness of His return to gather us, but not a day or year. After several years of thinking about this message I can see a great falling away from the faith beginning. I see very quickly how the church, or bride, is being infiltrated with false teachings, immoral lifestyles, and an acceptance of a spirit of anti-Christ that was preached against since Paul’s time.

                Seven years of waiting on the Lord has been trying, but rewarding. Trying because I wanted to get on with what I thought the Lord wanted, and rewarding because I am starting to “see through the mirror darkly” of what God really wants me to do. Of course it was not what I thought He wanted. Is it ever?

                Through bad times, persecution and trials, God has always had a remnant. Check your bible; see how the message continued from the Garden of Eden until today. We are headed into dark times as Christians. Not necessarily the end of the world, but who knows? Only God knows. But we have a responsibility to not only spread the gospel, but go after our lost and straying sheep by preaching the hard as well as the easy truths of being holy and saved. I am a representative of the King. You are a representative of the King. That is why the Lord has burned Ephesians 6:20 into my soul “For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” If you love others then please begin to gather the sheep, the time is short!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ricky Skaggs, a man who professes Jesus Christ

My wife Lisa and I were recently at a taping of Larry's Country Diner on RFD TV and the guest was Ricky Skaggs. We were so pleased that the stars and crew were completely open about their Christianity. I was able to briefly talk to Mr. Skaggs, thanking him for his openness about his belief in Christ and being so public about it. He is a very humble and open man and I pray God continues to bless him.

I support true Christians where I can, and hope you will also, as we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
God Bless

Friday, August 2, 2013

Faithful In The Mean Time

                I have been reading a required book for my classes by Barry L. Callen titled “Faithful In The Mean Time”. It is one of those books that cause you to think and study what scripture says. The author makes you think about what is important and what Jesus wants us to do concerning eschatology (end times study and interpretation).

                The main point of the book is to not get caught up in the hype, wrong interpretations, and marketing of the “End Times” theme, but what does Jesus call us to do? That, I believe is always the central question to everything we do.

                I do not want to get into misconceptions and prophetic interpretations of the Books of Isaiah, Daniel and Revelation. What I want to remind the reader of, and find common ground in, the message of Christ for His Church. Be faithful in the mean time!

                We know that it is a biblical truth that no one here on earth will know the time of the end. The time for the last trump to blow and the Church to be called home is a secret. No “biblical code” or secret text is revealed to anyone human concerning this event. We have been living in the end times since Christ ascended to Heaven. Trials and tribulations have been attacking believers since the crucifixion, starting with our Lord Himself on the cross.

                We need to be careful that we are not spending time worrying about the return of Him when we could be serving Him. If we are saved, what is the worry? It should be a joyous event for us.

                Are we spreading the Gospel to others, or are we holed up reading and watching every end time TV show or book. Do we discern false teachings and teachers against what the bible says? Do we study enough biblical history to put the writings into context?
                We must be so careful applying individual scripture to our present definitions and views. The prophet Isaiah gives a perfect example of how to study the Bible: Isaiah 28:9-11 (KJV) 9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
                What he is telling us is that we must read the whole idea of the verse, study against other verses to make sure we have the correct understanding. If we read the instructions of Jesus, we see in every instance He told us not to worry about tomorrow, but to do that which He has given us to do.
                So what does being faithful in the mean time actually mean? It’s simply to continue to spread the seed of the Word to unbelievers by preaching salvation and edifying His Church by preaching and teaching the meat of the Bible. We are to aid the widowed and orphaned. We are to help the poor and needy. We are to be the ambassador’s of Christ for as long as he keeps us here.
                Dear friend, I know for some of us, it’s exciting to think about how it will be when He does call the saints home and imagine what it may look like. It is interesting (for me at least) what is happening in our world. But we must remain focused on the lost souls, not the time of His return. Honestly and biblically, it does not really concern us as we are His already. Near or far, sooner or later, we still have the same commission, to go forth into the entire world and spread the Gospel!
                And to be faithful in the mean time!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Have you lost your life today?

     I can just imagine the eyebrows rising at the title question! But give me a moment and let’s look at this biblically. Jesus stated this fact in Matthew 16:25  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

     The message of repentance and being a “new man” or “creature in Christ” is being overlooked in many pulpits today. If we are going to be witnesses of the truth, we must preach the whole Gospel. So, that includes leaving the things the world counts as fun, entertaining and sensual, turning instead to those things that are acceptable to God.

     So many times I hear about what a Christian has given up for Christ. But you see, that’s not the important thing; it’s what they’ve GAINED that brings meaning and joy in their life. What you gave up was only things dragging you to Hell. Gaining Christ is gaining life itself!

     Why do so many people think becoming a Christian means giving up fun? The weak messages from the pulpits, and the intrusion of the world into our sanctuaries plants these misguided ideas. I have found more fun since I’ve been a Christian than I ever did before. I just found out what true joy and happiness was. It’s not material or temporal things only, but being in the will of Christ.

     Here’s the thing, you must die to your sinful self, the one the bible teaches about, all for the love of Jesus Christ. I want YOU to study your bible and see what IT says about the subject. Then you can find true life, eternal… joyous…and worshipful. When you die to self, you gain something more precious than the world. You gain Heaven.

     God bless you!


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Idols in the USA?

                Throughout the bible, symbolism is used to convey messages. After the death of Jesus, Christians avoiding persecution would make little fish drawings to guide others of the same belief to a place of meeting. Mankind has always had symbols to show ownership, loyalty, groups, clubs, etc.  Everyday examples include sports teams, corporations, products and organizations such as the Masons, Moose Lodge, NRA and so forth. But the above picture is suddenly disturbing to me.
                The above picture would be at home in ancient Canaan, Egypt, or Israel. It would have been seen fashioned by Aaron while Moses was on the Mount receiving the Ten Commandments. It would be worshiped in ancient times by idolaters, and specifically spoken about by Elijah, Elisha, Moses, David and Jesus. Paul has written and warned about it, The Gospels speak judgment against it. The bible calls it Baal, an idol.
                Many people associate this statue with Wall Street, but in fact it is two blocks away, although still in the “financial district.” It is eleven feet tall, sixteen feet long and is not owned by the city of New York, but by the artist. It was sneaked into the city in December 15, 1989 under a sixty foot Christmas tree, and placed over night. (Why sneak it, and at Christmas?) It is made of bronze, although it is polished to keep the golden color. It was “inspired by the 1987 stock market crash. It is said in tourist brochures “shows an aggressive or even belligerent force on the move, but unpredictably.” My question is belligerent to whom?
                Mentioned in Exodus 32 and I Kings 12 in the Old Testament, worship of the golden calf is seen as a supreme act of apostasy, the rejection of a faith once confessed. The artist wants to place four more in major cities around the world. It has become a bigger tourist attraction than the Statue of Liberty, with crowds gathered around it daily. People rub it’s nose, horns, and other perverse places for “luck”. At night, drunkards are said to perform acts with it that cannot be mentioned here.
                So, my question to you dear Christian, is has your spirit been bothered by this and other things? Do you see symbols that are in the bible, around you or in your city? Do you see the bible’s history repeating itself in America today? Read some of your scripture today, and see that God is a jealous God and is not mocked. The Ten Commandments is a good place to start. Pray for our country, but more important, pray for the salvation of sinners. Remember the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:38

Monday, April 29, 2013

Where once was one, Now there are two

                No matter what your stance may be concerning the new regulations concerning women in combat, there is now one undeniable fact, there will be more children who will be combining their observance of Mother’s Day and Memorial Day when they remember their Mother.

                Women have died in all wars serving this country, but not usually on the front lines. They have served bravely and have been caught up in combat, but not sent intentionally. It just seems wrong to me, personally, to send the vessel God created to give life, out to have a greater risk of having that life taken. Am I being a male chauvinist? No, I just have a God given concern about protecting my sister and mother.

                But what about sending our sons into war? Yes I also hate the idea, but I can also relate more to the protection and sacrifice aspect of the male mentality than I can the opposite. May I dare say that the greater honor is not the fight, but the caring and serving the ones sent to battle? Sometimes, plainly speaking, the warrior is just a tool in the eyes of a government, but the ones behind the scenes giving the warriors their needed weapons and supplies are who they admire and respect. Until recent years, women were mostly in those roles. Now I fear it is no longer the case.

                In the future, many children will be visiting a mother’s grave twice in May, once on Mother’s Day, and again to place a flag on Memorial Day. Where once there was one holiday for mother, now there will be two.

                I continue to be conflicted about the issue, but I will pray for them all, for I am reminded the bible says in Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


Let’s not forget, not all mothers are at home on Mother’s day. Pray for those who give life, and may give their life. As the lines blur, may our God remind us why we need to remain true to His Word, and battle with prayer. ~ editor


Monday, April 15, 2013

Behold a Pale Horse

                There is something wrong in America today and every true believer knows it. Within a few short years, morality and caring for our neighbor has nosedived, while violence and lust have increased. As we become technologically smarter, we become less wise in the simple things.

                Idolatry flourishes. People now turn to the politicians to take care of them instead of God. They foolishly place their faith in man instead of their Creator. Persecution increases against Christianity, while pagan religions are readily accepted and taught in our schools. Witchcraft and demonic entities are sought after and become reality show hits, while children kill other children.

                Child sacrifice is practiced in the form of abortion. Euthanizing the elderly is talked about as a solution to the growing population. Man thinks he can control the climate, and charges tithes to those sheep that follow the religion of the environmentalist.

                Church leaders bring every new fad into the church to “bring people through the doors”, not believing in the power of God’s word as being enough. The name of Jesus is taught as just one way to heaven and we must be tolerant of other’s beliefs. Evangelism and witnessing about Christ is now called proselytizing and attempts are being made to make it illegal so as not to offend others.

                There is something wrong in America today, and every true believer knows it. It is the beginning of birth pains as prophesied. It is the beginning of the great falling away as people’s eyes are clouded by false teachings and false gods. It is a judgment because the church was silent with Roe Vs. Wade, silent on watered down gospel teachings, silent while the ungodly called us bigots, closed minded and unlearned. It is a response because we failed to face the attacks demonic forces were hitting us with.

                We forgot our helmet of Salvation, our shield of Faith, our feet shod with the Gospel of Peace and our sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. We entered the battle unprepared, and we lost some battles. But we will NEVER lose the war. For God has proclaimed it already won when Jesus returns.

                But in the mean time we are supposed to battle, with prayer and the Word of God. We are to proclaim the Gospel. We may have waited too late for America to continue as we knew it, but we can be a remnant force to be reckoned with.

                God expects us to take up the sword (the Bible and it’s truth), raise Jesus above all others (as our standard or flag), but let the Almighty fight the fight (be the general). We are to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ unto the end, never ceasing and never returning void.
                Has your church ceased to proclaim right from wrong? Have you decided to remain silent on heresy and unGodliness in fear of offending someone? If so, can you say you really want to win souls for Christ, or do you just “want to get along”? What does your true heart say

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Early Easter

                This year, the Easter Season begins March 24 with Palm Sunday. It seems I can never keep up with the “early” verses “late” thing. It is very complicated and has to do with the changing date of the Passover, lunar cycles and so on. In fact, the Western Churches and the Eastern Churches celebrate on different days. Confusing as it is, once again there is a lesson in all this.

                Whenever man gets involved in trying to set up a system involving “God” things, man inevitably makes it more complicated. Man wants to always add his two cents worth, thinking he can improve on it.

For instance, the Pharisees’ added hundreds of laws to God’s originals given to Moses, making life more difficult for the faithful. Jesus had to explain it to them again, by condensing the whole law to two simple commandments (See Matthew 22:37-40).

Some denominations require the sinner to perform some kind of “work” to attain salvation. The Apostle Paul simply said Jesus did the work, and you can’t do anything to attain it, it is by God’s “Grace” through faith in Jesus Christ, or we would boast of our achieving the goal on our own (See Ephesians 2:8,9).

Many want to put oaths, creeds or written membership into God’s Church, adding man’s rules, guidelines or misinterpretations almost to the point of becoming a club. Dividing walls are not the Church Jesus set up. No man is the head of the church, Jesus is. The bible simply says He will ad to His Church daily those that would be saved (See Acts 2:38-47).
                So what is the lesson I spoke of concerning the changing dates of Easter? As we need to look every year on the calendar to see when it is, we should be looking towards Heaven for the return of the One who was resurrected. We don’t know when it will occur, but it will, the same as Passover and Easter. We need to be reading our bibles, asking for discernment and staying prayed up and packed up! Will He return early or late? Will He find you ready to stand before the judgment seat?

                We don’t have the luxury to set back and think we have all the time in the world. He may come early this year!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ressurection Stories Not Nornally Told

     Did you know after Jesus was resurrected from the tomb, He walked and talked on earth for 40 days? Not many do. I blame this on teachings that seem to omit this important fact. It is usually left with the idea He was seen at the tomb by the women, and then went straight to the meeting with the apostles before going to Heaven. Nope!

     There are eye witness accounts of Jesus in Israel after the crucifixion. Many saw the wounds, spoke with the Lord and even ate with him! He made it real to the followers; it was right before their eyes. Jesus was not a spirit, or a hallucination, but a walking, talking risen Savior! Just as He is today! That is why they went to their deaths never recanting their stories, after seeing Jesus resurrected, how could you?

     But why don’t people know more about this? I blame it in part on man wanting the reader’s digest version of the Jesus Story. Few want to put the time into actually learning why the followers believed in Him as they did. But these testimonies are for us to read. It’s all in the Bible.

Friday, February 15, 2013

The video to my version of Knocking on Heaven's Door

Music Video of Knocking on Heaven's Door. Performed by: Terry Ames. Music by: Bob Dylan with additional lyrics by Terry Ames. Actors from Six Guns Entertainment. From my self titled album.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Spiritual Adultery

Sorry it has been so long between postings. Hope you enjoy...

     Here it is, the month where the secular world celebrates a day of “love”, and I bring up the “A” word. Just like me, isn’t it? But it is a valid question to ask ourselves. Are we, as the bride of Christ, committing spiritual adultery against Him?

     Paul saw this with the church at Corinth, and warned in 2 Corinthians 11 1Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me. 2For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. 3But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

     Do we, as His Bride, at times lean towards any other doctrine but the bible? Do we put worldly ideas or practices before Him? Do we put others such as family, friends, work or money before Jesus? The bible calls it adultery and idolatry.

     If we are never asked the hard questions and never look inward for a true answer, then we will never grow as Christians. But there is always good news with Jesus Christ! The Bridegroom is faithful to forgive and forget our straying if we return to Him and repent. His love will still be just as deep and His arms just as open. He knows the devil is sly at trying to seduce His bride, but His forgiveness is eternal if we return to the path of righteousness.

     Now, one last question, do we practice that same level of forgiveness and love towards one another? I’ll save that for next time.