Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year, New Life

1 John 5:12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

The year of our Lord Two Thousand and Eleven will be your year whether you wish it to be or not. The Lord Jesus calls each of us to repentance and fellowship with Him, but every day there are those who reject the call for reasons they will regret later. There were only two real questions that mattered in 2010. Did you accept Christ as your Savior or did you reject Him? You may have said you’d wait until this New Year when you were ready to settle down or whatever excuse you gave. The excuse doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is did you or didn’t you?

The bible is a wonderful book of truths concerning God’s love and patience, blessings and bounty, justice and righteousness. The bible also shows us God does not change. He can be an angry God passing judgment and retribution to those who disobey Him. The bible says it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. So please do not believe the false message that no loving God would send someone to hell. The truth is, no loving God would promise salvation to those who repent and accept His only begotten Son as their Savior, and then let those who disobey him acceptance into Heaven also.

There has been accountability ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God. There has been a punishment for sin beginning with the banishment from the Garden of Eden. There continues to be punishment for sin today, God has not changed. So the question really has to do with you, have you changed? Have you accepted the call God has put on your life?

If you have never accepted Christ as your Lord, then you cannot go to heaven, it’s as simple and as plain as that. If you’re not assured a life in heaven, then you are doomed to hell for eternity.

Jesus cannot lie; therefore it is absolute truth when He said in John 3:3… Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Born again, repentance, believing Christ died for your sins, accepting Him, becoming a new man (or woman), that is the new birth He was talking about.

This new year, if you don’t obey His calling then you’re rejecting it. Anyone that thinks about it, about God’s love in sending Jesus to die on a cross for us, will know in their heart the truth in that statement! And…if you’re thinking about it, He’s calling you!

Yes, Dear Reader, God is calling you to have a relationship with Him as your Heavenly Father. He calls all to repentance, He wants no one to be condemned, but that is your decision to accept Jesus’ free offer of Grace. He won’t force you, he’ll just call you, but one day, that calling may be withdrawn. Then your “heart will be hardened” just as Pharaoh’s was.

This will be your year. This will be the year you accept Jesus and eternal life, or the year you reject the offer and walk away. But be forewarned, judgment is coming. The next question is, will this be your year standing before the Throne of Judgment also?

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