Sunday is the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attack on our
country. There will be remembrances all over TV this week, so I will
not add to or try to give you an analogy sermon on this day’s significance to America,
only to say I believe it was the beginning of a lifting of protection of God’s
hand over our nation, because we choose to abandon Him, and we as a nation have
learned nothing about returning to Him.
In fact, our leaders have rapidly
increased their desire to turn their backs on God, and turn towards unGodly,
hedonistic, paganist and morally corrupt decisions that are being forced down
the throats of Christian men and women. 9/11 was a turning point, and we as a
nation have been falling headlong into the violence and anarchy that has been
evident in EVERY nation that turns it’s back or denies the Creator.
Today, more
than ever in our history, the United States needs strong, biblical churches,
strong prayer warriors, and much fasting and turning our eyes to Jesus. We need
MATURE Church congregations and MATURE Christians to stand up, no matter the
cost, and say enough is enough.
We serve a Living God and Risen Savior and we
will not back down nor bow down to this new wave of Humanism. The Bible tells us “God is no respecter of persons.” The Declaration of Independence
says “ We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights….”
And the The First Amendment to the United States Constitution “prohibits the making
of any law respecting
an establishment of religion, impeding the free
exercise of religion, abridging the freedom
of speech…..” Nowhere does
it say freedom FROM religion, it says freedom TO EXERCISE RELIGION.
You don't like or agree with the Christian message? That's fine, God gave you the free will to reject it. But who gives you the right to tell me I can't speak about what He has done in MY life, publicly and without censorship?
Jesus said that the world will hate the Christian, because the world hated Him first. Hum, once again He is proven right. Wonder what else He was right about?
Christians, pray, pray, pray for our Country, but Foremost, pray the Lord stays his hand of judgement
before all the leaders are turned over to a reprobate mind. They say we
Christians are no longer important; we believe in a fairy tale. C. S. Lewis
once wrote “Christianity, if false, is of no importance,
and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately
Be mature in your walk, not babes. Be a mature church, seeking the will of Christ, not the worlds ways to draw a crowd, JUST BE A CHRISTIAN!