Sunday, April 27, 2014

Enjoying our Holidays

     We Christians can get hung up on so many things that we spend time judging others at the expense of experiencing the joy of Easter, or “Resurrection Sunday” to some. Once again, I hear Christians arguing over the “pagan rituals” that have become a big marketing part of the season. I hear factual history that has influenced what the secular world calls Easter today, and I hear false history touted as truth.

     I will not go into bunnies, eggs and baskets. I will touch on letting the devil and world take away your joy if you get so focused on the cons, that the day becomes a burden for you.

     First, why do we expect the world to act any different? Why do we get so upset we let the season go by grumbling about this and that? Don’t we go through the same thing at Christmas? Many of our brothers and sisters refuse to celebrate Christ’s Birth on December 25th because of some pagan influence or another. Have we forgotten we are in this world to cast the light of truth? We can’t cast much light if we continually attack those who don’t even know better. Instead we should be lovingly showing the truth of the Death, Burial and Resurrection.

      We can turn so many people off to the message of Christ by beating them over the head about “fertility” rituals, colored eggs and stuff they won’t even understand. Remember, we are charged to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel, not condemn everything the unknowing does. I read where Jesus won converts with a soft approach that was straight forward and truthful. He asked questions of the person, showed them what God wanted, and lovingly corrected them. He also left it up to them to follow Him or not.

     The point is the Gospel is enough to spark change, if change is forthcoming. It does us no good to fuss and complain about how WE think others should know what it’s all about. We only steal our own joy and give ourselves ulcers. Enjoy Easter as the Resurrection of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ. The season is pretty correct, for we count it from the Jewish Passover. If it is a few days off, it doesn’t matter. We mark this day to collectively celebrate our love for Him.

     And as far as eating a good dinner on that day, what Christian turns down a good meal and family fellowship. What better day to shine your little light to family and friends with joy. And if one of the kids hands you an “Easter Egg” just eat it and enjoy. Remember, God told Peter nothing He makes is unclean!