No matter how bad, no matter how good
Oh those sweet words, “For God so loved the world”
For God so loved the world he
made me
So I could experience his
creative beautyFlowers and trees and clouds and sky
Sometimes it overwhelms and I begin to cry.
For God so loved the world he
made my wife
So I might understand the
meaning of lifeTo share and explore, to love and live
To enjoy together what He has to give.
For God so loved the world
that when he saw our sins,
He gave His son Jesus so we
could beginOur journey back to His loving embrace,
To allow us someday to again see his face.
For God so loved the world
that he gave me a chance
To come into His Presence to
laugh and to danceAnd to joyfully sing praises as we all should
Over those six words, ”For God so loved the world.”
Merry Christmas to all of Jesus' Church